Sunday of the Prodigal Son: The Second Sunday of The Triodion



Gospel Reading: Luke 15:11-32

Epistle Reading: I Corinthians 6:12-20

Kontakion: When I disobeyed in ignorance Thy Fatherly Glory, I wasted in iniquities the riches that Thou gavest me. Wherefore, I cry to Thee with the voice of the prodigal son, saying, ‘I have sinned before Thee, O compassionate Father, receive me repentant, and make me as one of Thy hired servants’.

Doxastikon: Loving Father, I have gone far from you, but do not forsake me, nor declare me unfitted for your Kingdom. The all-evil enemy has stripped me naked and taken all my wealth. I have squandered like the Profligate the Graces given to my Soul. But now I have arisen and returned, and I cry aloud to you, ‘Make me as one of your hired servants, You who for my sake stretched out Your spotless hands on the Cross, to snatch me from the fearsome beast and to clothe me once again in the first robe, for You alone art full of mercy’.

Prayer: Living as a prodigal, I have dispersed my patrimony; I am now destitute, dwelling in that country of the wicked citizens. I resemble the mindless beasts in my lack of reason; and I have been stripped of any Divine Grace. But I am returning, and I cry to You, the compassionate and tender-loving Father: I have sinned; receive me in repentance, O God, and have mercy on me.


2022 – Chant – For to all is the door of Divine Mercy open.


2022 – Sermon
2022 – Fellowship Talk